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Fairly fast growing shrub with a wide, columnar shape. Stems stiff, very dense. Narrow when young, later slightly wider, but always dense and regular, producing a number of parallel leaders. In ten years, reaches a height of 1,5 m and a diameter of 60-80 cm.

Needles are 1,5-2 cm long and up to 2 mm wide, pointed and simple, dark green, glossy.

Hardy (Zone 5a). Requires fertile, permeable soil, moderately moist, and a neutral or slightly acidic pH. Light tolerant, grows well in both full sun and shade.

Variety recommended for parks, estate plantings and home gardens. Very good for formed hedges, and for shaping into various figures.

Male variety, selected by Kazimierz Komsta and introduced to cultivation by his nursery in 2012.

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